My Story
I'm Thomas Newman, originally from Yorkshire in the UK. I studied in London, have lived in Australia and now I'm back in favourite city in the world with my wife and daughter. I work as a surgeon in the day and a designer day, night, dusk and dawn.
After years of designing, I learned to embrace my experience in healthcare rather than separate these aspects of my life. This has allowed me to specialise in branding within the health and tech industries under my moniker, 'The Brand Surgeon'
I believe that all brands and individuals have the opportunity to grow and part of that process involves understanding where we have come from, what makes us unique and what we are going to change. With this you can become greater than the sum of your parts
For more about my interests and design heroes scroll down ...

Recently read + watched

Fiction: The Iliad (Homer)
Non-fiction: The Brand Gap
(Marty Neumeier)
Film: Dune 2
TV: Baby Reindeer

I'm a keen cyclist, have raced for GB as an amateur triathlete and support Liverpool FC
This photo was taken in Tokyo after a skiing trip to Hakuba

Design heroes

People: Sagi Haviv, Paula Scher, James Martin
YouTube: Will Paterson, The Futur, Adobe Creative Cloud, Linus Boman
Podcast: The Logo Geek Podcast, Design Better, The Futur